In the beginning, there was nothing. As Tanastlasei breathed life, and she happened upon Cyudiha (later to be Ramath-lehi) she found there was a certain lack of something. A malfunction that maimed her people, the Pendragons. A virus that couldn't be purged away. Something that, once opened, was irretrievable, irremovable, undeniable, and unstoppable. It was called hatred. So when Dymikca was blinked to life out of Fromina and blessed the Ramathians with love, countering hate, the Creator Goddess was overjoyed. She gave her thriving people a day to celebrate their love and compassion: Lybaj'tpui (or simply Tpui).
In this two-week long holiday beginning on Dyumpai 119 of Dyo, gifts are exchanged, flowers given, and lovers walk together and publicly show their passion. At night, though, the real show begins. In city streets, boulevards, and nightclubs, flame burns along the streets, and entertainers and dancers perform impossible feats until the wee hours.
Nioties born on the days of Tpui are considered to be skilled in arts such as seduction and acrobatics, and to be blessed by Dymikca.