Lifespan: unknown
Diet: unknown
Average height: unknown
Average weight: unknown
Average length: unknown
Geographic distribution: unknown
Frequency: common
Little rodents, no bigger than five inches in length, but they think they're five feet in length. They live mostly on their own, come in any colour (though most common is black) and are scavengers...
They eat anything they come across, but only if it's planet material or dead. (There's no worry of them trying to take a chunk out of you while you sleep!) However, if cornered, they have tiny incisor teeth, and they will bite, and bite painfully. They produce litters every three or so months of about five pups. They're mental function consists only of "eat" and "mate". Rather retarded and ferocious little beasts.
Not a good meal, for you'd need several tens of them to fill you, and they usually taste like the last thing they ate - which considering their varied diet, is generally not a very savory taste.