Fronimium is a very strong and heavy inky-black metal that can be found in the depths of many mountains on Ramath-lehi. It was first discovered and refined by the Khell. Fronimium is popular for its ability to hold onto magic. Items that are made out of Fronimium are often imbued with magical properties and will often respond to touch. Many Khell relics are made out of the pitch black Fronimium, and Ramathians are urged caution when handling them. It is not unknown for some relics to hold curses. The late Council of Twelve’s table in the Council Chamber is made out of Fronimium that has been infused with magic and the blood of twelve noble families. It has the ability to recognize and respond to the decedents of any of these twelve families.
Additionally, Fronimium is widely used in tattoo ink by skilled tattoo artists who are planning to imbue their works of art with magic. Ingesting Fronimium, while not recommended, is considered to be harmless.