(pl. phylii) are asexual amphibians capable of extreme physical metamorphosis. Also a fetal mammal which feeds off the embers from campfires in the month of June. never reaches adulthood.
- Phet'knis Moi - fett-NISS moy
- A Myshemd female feydragon of questionable character. A rogue taxidermist and an alchemist. A introverted sociopath. Dangerous and unpredictable.
- Ploy Achak Sette - ploy a-CHEK sett
- Lamaria Sonyarit - la-MAR-ee-aa sawn-yarr-et
- Nyymbata Ohmes - nim-BA-ta oh-emms'
- Lakmir Grader - lack-mirr guh-raid-er